Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Moms on Facebook

The other day I was on my Facebook looking at one of my friend pictures. I noticed that her mom was "tagged" in one of the pictures from Thanksgiving, meaning that I was able to click on a link to her moms Facebook. I think that it is kind of weird that moms have facebooks because is it mainly a High School, College, and of course a mid-20s type thing. But for a mom in their 40s or 50s? I think it is a bit weird. I have nothing to hide of facebook but I would never want my mom looking at my facebook. 

What do you think about moms having facebooks?


Dionna said...

I'm a mom and I'm on Facebook but I'm in my 30's. I know tons of moms on there - I think it is becoming a great resource for people to find old friends and classmates.

Adam said...

I agree with Dionna, I think it is all right for a parent to have facebook if you are in her situation. Where you are using Facebook to keep in touch with old friends and classmates. After all, that was what FB was created for. Though I think it is a serious invasion of privacy for a mom to friend her son/daughter so she can view their FB. I would never want that and I know plenty of people who feel the same way. I know several people who's parents forced them to let them access their account. Sounds like some serious limiting of the right to privacy to me. In the end, moms can use facebooks, as long as they stay away from their kid's facebooks. At least, that is what I think.