Sunday, April 19, 2009

Junior Theme Part 2

So far, everything is going well with my Junior Theme. My research is great. I am finding so many things on Title IX and the sexism of women in sports. I emailed a few people who are very involved with Title IX and have an interview set up via email with Bernice Sandler who is a woman who was very involved with Title IX. She developed and organized a successful national campaign to press for the development and passage of Title IX and other laws to end sex discrimination in education and has worked with title IX longer than any other person. I am very fortunate to get this opportunity to ask her questions on this very interesting topic.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Junior Theme

As I was sitting in the library on Monday, I was brainstorming topics for my Junior Theme. After just a couple minutes, I knew exactly what topic I wanted my Junior Theme to be about and that is the Sexism of Women in Sports. Being an athlete, it is very clear to me that women are treated much differently than men when it comes to sports. As most know, just a few weeks ago, both the New Trier Green and Girls Hockey Teams won the State Championship at the United Center. This was all over the news papers but of course, the boys got more press than the girls. To me, this does not seem fair at all. Another example is that since I have been looking at division I schools all over the nation for hockey, I have noticed that at most schools, the men have much nicer ice rinks than the women. That is not fair either. Those are just a few examples of how women are treated much differently than women when it comes to sports. This topic is something that I have thought about a lot in the past few years because as I get older, I begin to notice it more and more and it is a topic that I am very interested in doing my Junior Theme on.

What are your thoughts on Sexism of Women in Sports?